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The Internet Health Report is about the human experience of the Internet. It is an independent, open source compilation of data, research and stories that show how the Internet is evolving across five issues.

You may know other Internet reports that look more squarely at industry trends and new technologies. This is not our goal.

Working with researchers, digital rights activists, Mozilla fellows and our community, we tell a collaborative story of how the Internet is – and isn’t – healthy from a human perspective.

The Report draws on a wide body of existing research on issues ranging from privacy to connectivity, to online harassment and the economics of online platforms.

Our aim is to connect the dots and look for patterns between these often siloed issues – to look at the human experience of the Internet as a whole.

By doing this, we want to encourage a broader understanding of how the problems facing the global Internet relate to one another, and to shine a light on what people are doing to make the ecosystem healthier.

We, as humans, can change the Internet for the better. This report is a resource and call to action for everyone who is ready, in big ways and small, to take on this challenge.

The “components” of this report can be read in any order. At the end of each, we encourage you to share a reaction and engage with everyone about ideas.

Download the abridged PDF, or explore online.

A prototype of this report was published in January 2017 and was followed by an open, public discussion about metrics, several meetings with allies, and the establishment of a smaller “Report Coalition” to support content creation. Read project updates in our blog.

Visit: Internet Health Report v. 0.1


So many researchers, fellows, writers and allies of Mozilla generously contributed data and ideas alongside countless readers who participated.

Solana Larsen is the editor of this report. Kasia Odrozek is the project manager. Jairus Khan is the outreach coordinator.

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Our friends at Vizzuality are to thank for all visual and interactive design, coding and user testing. The Internet Health Report (and blog) is available in English, French, Spanish and German. Translations are by Global Voices.

See the full list of contributors below.