Reading List
Pablo is a queer activist with 11 years of international human rights experience. He has worked with local and international organizations in more than 26 countries in diverse regions to build community-led solutions to social challenges. He is currently focused on advocating and researching the impact of AI, censorship, and surveillance on LGBTQI+ populations in oppressive environments. Pablo works at R3D: Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales and is a board member of AllOut.org
What if the internet health was measured and guided by the ultimate dream of the black and queer liberation movements? Nobody's free until everybody is free! - The internet health report is a call to action. The articles I've picked are featuring people who are working to build new imaginaries about what the internet health means for those who are often left behind. The internet health and its challenges take a completely new meaning when we experience them through the lives and realities of those affected by it instead of through the intentions of those profiting from it (mostly men, mostly white, mostly privileged). I hope you enjoy reading this list as much as I did! 🌈